Quote of the month;

Quote of the Month;
Never was easy.
"Grow up and accept it"

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Live every day as if it is your last

I found this quote Twitter and it made me think, anything can happen in one day. Tomorrow somebody you love could not be around anymore, many people die daily for many reasons. Live every day like it's your last! Never leave on bad terms with somebody you need in your life and your not going to see in a while, because you will regret your spiteful words if something happens. Everything happens in one day and nobody can change that. Everybody has bad days but it is not the end of the world. Life is like a book, if there is one bad page it doesn't mean it's the end of the book. It is unlikely that your story is going to end abruplty after that one page, so never stop making your life better. Everything changes in one day, small changes, but they can make a big difference in your life. Try not to be angry, sad or any other negative emotion because for every minute you are negative you lose 60 seconds of happiness. THE PURPOSE OF OUR LIVES IS TO BE HAPPY!

Thanks for reading,
Teenage Dreamer xox


  1. This is exactly how i feel today, my laest blog post will explain why ( http://averageteenagerambler.blogspot.co.uk/ ) I feel we wait for perfect moments to come, when we actually need to make the perfect moments for ourselves.

    1. I read you blog, we are basically exactly the same people :) perfect moments are the same as luck. People think that some people are just lucky but really those people are the ones that make themselves lucky. You won't get the perfect moment or be lucky unless you are positive.

    2. I agree, many people waste their time waiting for the perfect moment to happen or for there luck to come and they miss the small, most perfect moments in life. Even if it's as simple as a beautiful,calm sunset or reading a book. Once you start noticing the little things: you can never stop.

    3. Everybody needs to learn to always remember the little, perfect moments so they can look back and actually realise they were perfect. Too many people worry about making their lives perfect, when really the perfection is already there they just need to embrace what they have.

    4. I also think we need to stop documenting the moment on the latest technology (tweeting,snapchatting,instagramming ect) and just enjoy the moment instead.Live it. Sometimes a memory is better than telling the world as it's more personal. That's where our generation fails, i believe. We're missing out on really living.

    5. And instead we are worried about everyone we know seeing what we are doing. How is exactly is the moment meant to be special if it is shared with our contact lists. This generation needs to stops being so dependent on our phones/iPads/other technology.

  2. We have become antisocial. Instead of physically talking to someone when out, we depend on our phones to avoid the situation. Instead of looking up and seeing the world, we are looking down on screens and it's sad to see what this has become of my generation.

    1. Everyone needs to become more aware of their surroundings in the real world. When I'm out with my friends and they are glued to their phone I walk away and sometimes they don't even notice :) I go back but I do it just to prove my point that they shouldn't plan things if they aren't even going to be involved. There is no point in people even leaving the house anymore.

    2. it's frustrating, especially my best friend, she came round my house the other day and i expected for us to do stuff together, like girls do. Instead she was on facetime to her crush/boy/whatever who i didn't even know, she was sat in the corner of my room for half an hour and onlystopped because she needed to charge her phone, it makes me mad, tbh i wish people still sent hand written letters, they're more special than any instant message.

    3. The fact that your best friend did that to you proves our points. My best friends has done that to me as well but it was a group sleepover and none of us liked the guy. It made us all so mad. If somebody wrote me a handwritten letter I'm pretty sure I will fall in love with them. I wish they still did, everyone would be so much closer.

    4. it's so reassuring someone feels the same, I don't know if you've ever seen the film 'The Notebook' but it's my favorite film, the letters, vintage bikes and the dresses the girls wore! I think i was born in the wrong time, it's hard to imagine a boy trying to win you over with flowers and love letters now we have social media, smartphones ect.

    5. All of the Nicholas Sparks books and movies are my favourite but especially 'The Notebook' and not just because of Ryan Gosling! Everything about is amazing, I also love the letter, the vintage bikes and the dresses the girls wore, even the clothes the men wore. I'm pretty sure I was born in the wrong time too, if I was born in the 40s I would be so much happier :) if a boy tried to win me over using flowers and love letters, I would definitely be won. Now giving a girl flowers and letter is labelled as 'gay' or 'cheesy' but I don't believe that. Boys now think a relationship status on Facebook or a tweet is enough.

    6. We're very similar. I couldn't agree more. Every relationship seems very rushed now. Boys want to do 'stuff' with girls to impress mates and treat girls like shit. I was definitely born in the wrong generation. Is a few handwritten letters and some flowers to much to ask for? I also really likes the makeup. The natural eyes and the bright red lipstick. I take makeup inspiration from this and i'm usually seen with a bold red lip. I'm just waiting for the boy that will treat me with flowers, that's all they need to do and i'm all theirs. Hate social media, hate all the abbreviations. Love the emojis.

    7. We are very similar, I've never spoken to someone this much like me before. My past boyfriend called me boring because I wouldn't do anything with him. Yet he told all of mates I did. They all think they can walk all over girls but that's not true! The makeup of the past is one of the best things, but unfortunately because of my skin tone I can't wear red lipstick. :( I'm pretty sure the boy that takes me on a proper date and brings me flowers and actually knocks on my door will be the boy I will marry. I would say I hate social media but I do have a slight addiction to Twitter....
      I never ever use abbreviations, I mean how much effort is it to type a full word? Emojis are literally my life, they show emotion.

    8. I agree. I have most social networks, but tumblr is my life. I'm certain you can rock red lipstick! You're the only person telling yourself you won't suit it : you will i'm sure. Any person who says otherwise isn't worth your time. I guess boys aren't mature enough yet to actually want relationships- they just want the benefits from it. It's crazy how similar we are. Thought I was the only one who wants to re live the 1940s. Everything seemed easier and simple. It makes me crazy when boys text using abbreviations, it makes me feel like they don't have the time or effort to type full words. I mean if you can't send hand written letters at least use full words in your texts.

    9. I'm pretty sure your my brain twin! Everyone has to have that one social networking site they love! I tried red lipstick once and everyone gave me funny looks so I never done it again, I like the way it looks though and it makes me feel like I'm actually in the time I want to be. I'm more inspired by the hairstyles, the short styles. I have my hair quite short, when I curl it people say it looks like Marilyn Monroe :) I have a go at all people who use abbreviations to me, I feel like they just can't be bothered to text me anymore. If they want to text use real words. Another thing that annoys me is the figure expectations nowadays. Everyone expects girls to have supermodel bodies, the other day in school we was looking a ideal body shapes through history. All of the boys said Marilyn Monroe was fat! I mean seriously? Does that mean Nicki Minaj is fat, because I'm pretty sure they will say no because of her bum. Boys these days are just immature, but then there are the girls that agree with them and shape themselves to be exactly who the boys want them to be. They will do anything for them. It makes me crazy when a girl changes herself to suit a boy.

    10. They gave you funny looks because it's different. You're going against the social norm. I think you will look beautiful. I love Marilyn Monroe. She is a role model but I believe she has been sexualised by men. She done many things and should be not just seen as a idol purely because of the way she looks. She has helped make every women feel empowered and beautiful.That is what makes her an inspiration. Feminism is another one of my 'things' and I just completed a class debate on the matter. Since learning about feminism I feel so much happier about my natural face, without makeup, my natural hair. I've learnt to feel beautiful no matter what the 'social norm' is. I've also learnt that I don't have to eat healthy/get exercise to loose weight. I eat healthier, drink more water and exercise (eh maybe not so much exercise haha.) because it makes me feel good. I think everyone needs to do whatever makes them feel good. I also feel the pressure on girls to wear a certain type of clothing. It annoys me when I see a group of girls all wearing basically the same thing. We complain about wearing uniform to school, but really outside of school it's the same thing. Society is forcing girls to wear certain clothes to fit in and be 'popular'. I'm realizing that now and I'm now wearing what makes me feel good. What I think looks good. What makes me, me. I swear we are twins, this keeps getting creepier: I love it!

    11. I guess the red lipstick thing is true, I will try it again very soon. Marilyn Monroe is one of my role models but because of the hints she said, she was confident about her body shape and basically made it the attractive body shape, now what is labelled as as attractive body shape is getting thinner and thinner, I'm pretty sure soon you won't even be able to see the person! Feminism is is also one of my things too! This is better so weird! Emma Watson is my idol for her work with he for she. Everyone should be treated equally, no matter what sex they are. Boys don't have to wear makeup or straighten/dye their hair so why should we. Everyone is beautiful, and everyone should feel like it. Eating healthy, drinking water and exercising makes me feel good too, but at the moment I'm being accused of doing it all to loose weight by my mum, I've told her I'm not but she thinks I'm obsessed with loosing weight... Girls can wear whatever they want, I don't understand why they can't just be independent. I also wear what I like instead of what other people like because in the end it's me that has to wear it, not everyone else. I never used to be this confident until last year, when I felt I had to be the same as everyone else to fit in. But now I've really opened up and I feel other people should too.

    12. Exactly. though we have come a long way into achieving equality among the sexes. What irritates me is the media are all for the natural look but in fact natural is a whole lot of photoshop. There's nothing wrong with girl aspiring. The fact girls have unreasonable standards to look up to is sick. I feel like we're in the middle of a movement. The last 100 years societies views on women have completely changed. Just I don't believe we're there yet. I could back it up with millions of stats but you know. Yes, for my essay, I watched Emma Watsons speech and the way she delivered it was so powerful. You could feel and hear the passion she has for the matter. It's that same with jobs. Many of my friends want to be hairdressers and makeup artist. Of course, that's perfectly fine. The problem is I am expected by them to do something along those lines. I want to be a journalist of some sort, political maybe but I've been deemed as not clever enough from my friends. I am top set in ever class,(apart from PE) aha. It's stupid. I'm being told by society i'm not allowed to do something just because my friends aren't doing it? You wear that red lipstick! Tell yourself you look amazing and you will feel amazing. In the last few years I've opened up also. I've become immune to negative comments about what i'm wearing or my views or opinions. I just think every girl needs to find that level where she is happy and realizes she doesn't need to fit in to be beautiful.

    13. Girls are looking up to women who aren't really that perfect, they look up to an unattainable figure and flawless face. That is imposing. Nobody is perfect. I have the whole of Emma Watsons speech in the notes on my phone and I read through it every time I'm feeling down and it makes me proud. It almost empowers me, the way she speaks about feminism is so passionate and event he little things she says. A fan once asked Emma Watson "my dad says I can't be an engineer 'cause it's a men's profession' what do I do to change that?" Emma Watson replied "become an engineer" I think that's what you need to do. Become a journalist, prove your friends wrong. Believe in yourself, if you can dream it you can do it -Walt Disney. You shouldn't be expected to do 'girly professions' do whatever you want to do, not what other people want you to do. After all it is your life. I will wear that red lipstick, and whatever comments anyone says will go in one ear and straight out the other. I've also become immune to negative comments, I tell people to stick their negativity where the sun don't shine! They usually take my advice:) every girl needs to be confident in herself and happy. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways.

  3. That's such a good idea of having a copy of her speech. I have little quotes I read when I feel crap and they really help. I think girls need to realize they can do whatever they want. I think i'm going to post the speech i made on feminism on my blog, you may want to check back later, I hope you can agree on what I've said. I wish I could have said more on it though. Every girl is beautiful and it angers me so much when boys take the piss. Literally how do boys think they're the better sex? Who brought them into the world? Without us, there would be none. It's gets me so angry and passionate i feel I should do something about it. I guess that's why I started my blog. To help girls and teenagers feel they don't need to fit in. That's why want to get more followers, so more people can realize what the amazing things they are capable of.

    1. I will definitely take a look at that, I would love to see the words you said. I will probably agree with what you've said seeing as we are like twins :) Every girl needs to feel beautiful, it's not fair if they don't. Boys needs to stop, and think about their actions and words beforehand. Boys are from Mars, I've said this for many years, their brains work completely differently. Girls have to go through so much more, and they feel like they are the better sex. Pfffffttttttt, that's crazy :D your blog will help many girls, this conversation has helped me already.

  4. Many people believe women are trying to be the superior sex when in fact we just want to be equal. I think everyone needs to sop and re think there actions as it's girls who are setting boundaries and telling each other they need to follow one and other to fit it. It's crazy how similar we are and our views. You've helped me understand i'm not alone in my views and it's weird to have a meaningful conversation and discuss different topics. Your blog is amazing and it's helped me with ideas for my blog.
