Quote of the month;

Quote of the Month;
Never was easy.
"Grow up and accept it"

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Life Lessons, 5: Say No addition

Hello Guys,

So today as you well know is Christmas Eve, everybody in my household went to pick up my sister from university apart from me as I had my boyfriend coming round. We had the house for ourselves, and at first we watched some friends downstairs and then my step dad came home from work so we went upstairs.I was fine with this and we cuddled and watched movies, and yes there was kissing involved. This was all fine. That was until he stole my pillow and he said 'I will give you your pillow if you see my dick' this I was not fine with. It made me feel uncomfortable so I said no. I fought him for the pillow and got it back in the end. We then cuddled some more. But then about 10 minutes before he had to go he said 'if you want some I will give you some' as everybody knows this is from a video going around. Me being me I said 'go on then' then jumped on the bed with my face in my pillow of which I was holding onto dear life of. He then shut the curtains and was fiddling with his jeans as I could hear. He was just like look then, I just simply said I don't want to. This was all while I had my face buried in my pillow. I was thinking I was going to have to stay there for ages until he put it away. But as soon as he realised I was uncomfortable he put it away. As I was quite light headed from basically smothering myself for innocence I then just pretended to sleep. After about 30 seconds of pretending his Mum pulled up outside and he went home. We kissed goodbye and he text me when he got home as if everything was normal. I think everything is normal.

The thing is I really like this guy and I really want this relationship to last. But I feel I am way too young for this and I don't want to be pressured into anything.

All girls and maybe boys who are reading this; don't you ever let somebody force you into something you don't want to do! You have a right to only go up to the stage that you are comfortable and confident in-SO SAY NO! If you need any extra advice on this comment below and I will definitely reply as this is something I feel very strongly about! We shouldn't be forced into things we really don't want to do! 

Merry Christmas 
                         Teenage Dreamer <3

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Life Lessons, 4: Say No

Hello Guys, 

So yesterday I went to my boyfriends house and stayed there for a few hours. I almost got pressured into something I didn't want to do but I just said no. It was quite hard for me to do this but some things you just have to do. 

Never be afraid to say no, don't be pressured into anything you are not ready for or simply just don't want to do. Whether it's kissing someone, or simply just going somewhere. If you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. 

Good Luck, 
                   Teenage Dreamer <3

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Life Lessons, 3: Don't Fret the little things


I know most of us alway panic when we don't get into to something first time, or our friends do and we don't, or something along those lines. Well my friend had the same problem when me and our other friend go into something and she didn't. I had to become very wise-which is hard for me-and give her advice on the situation. Here is it;

'But maybe you wasn't chosen because at first they want you to grow and develop as a person first, you are probably on their list but as somebody who wasn't quite ready or something. Why don't you ask What you did wrong and how you can improve to get in next time so you can get better and better until you exceed what they want you to be'

This was after she said that she's not good enough and what not. But everyone is good in their own ways, if you don't get what you are going for, it's problaly because your skills are just not what they are looking for, or they feel you need to grow confidence in yourself before you get the position. Don't be afraid to ask what you can do better so you can build on it. And always believe in yourself.

Don't be scared to post a comment below and tell me about your experiences with this sort of thing.

Never do less than your best. 
Teenage Dreamer <3

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Life Lessons, 2: Grades before Babes

Hello World, 

So something happened earlier that really upset me. Last night I got home from rehearsals for the Christmas concert at about 3pm. From around half past 3 I was on Facetime to my boyfriend until 1am. My mum got annoyed at this and told me that I'm never aloud to stay up that late again. Apparently it is affecting me and my grades. Even though I have been getting better grades since I have been with my boyfriend. I was meant to do some revision yesterday but as I wasn't in any lessons on Friday I only found out about the exam and the revision we had to do from my peers. I couldn't get any access to the revision guide my teacher has set up. Therefore I had no idea what I was meant to be revising, so I didn't Revise at all. 

This morning my mum came into my room 5 minutes after I woke up and shouted at me for not taking my school work seriously. She called my boyfriend stupid because he stays up too late and she has banned me from talking to him today until after dinner because I have to revise. I have now been revising since 10 am and I have a blister on my finger from writing so much. 

For this life lesson I am just going to let you know that you should always put your school work before your boyfriend/girlfriend. Even though I really don't want to, I know that it is just something I have to do. The best way tot revise is to work for half an hour then have a 15 minute break and repeat that until you have revised all of the things needed. 

If you have any advice for me on how to help the pain on the blister on my finger, how to stop missing your boyfriend after not talking to him all day, how to handle an angry mother or better ways to revise, please comment below. I would really appreciate all help and follows ;)

Thank you for reading, if you are,

                                                       Teenage Dreamer <3

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Life Lessons: First Post

Hi guys, this is my first post on life lessons!

Today I have learnt that not everyone has their own opinion, and what they do always depends on someone else. I was like this once when I wouldn't go anywhere unless my friends went with me, my mum hated it. I wouldn't go out with my crush without someone else or anything. Luckily now I have stopped and as you saw a few posts ago my crush is now my boyfriend and we've been on a date. 

To all people without independence, put yourself out there and don't be scared. I'm not saying go out by self every day, I'm saying just be independent. Like what you want, be who want to be and go where you want to go. 

Be yourself;
                  Teenage Dreamer <3

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Life Lessons: Intro

Hello world,

I thought I might write on important life lessons, this is going to be an ongoing subject, hence the intro in the title. I will be blogging about significant things that have happened in my life that have made me think a different way. Like my blog yesterday about Teenage Love. If you haven't checked that out have a look. 

If you think this is a good idea please comment below and follow my blog for all of the posts after. :)

Thanks for reading (if you are)
                                                 Teenage Dreamer <3

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Teenage Love

Hello World, 

So yeah I am in a good mood! The boy I liked that I accidentally said no to is now my boyfriend of 1 week and 2 days! I have been talking to him for a while-like since the end of august-and we became really close, I had never really spoken to him before even though he is in my form at school. As this blog is anonymous, I am thinking of a name to call him on here, to keep my identity. So far we have been out twice, the first time last week and the second yesterday. 

Last week he held my hand and then I was swinging it(habit I guess) and then I felt a bit uncomfortable so I went a bit crazy so I tried to make Him skip with me...He didn't. We went out with a couple of my friends that time so he was the only boy, I thought this would be bad for him to start but it wasn't at all. It was an amazing day out.

Yesterday it was just us as all of my friends and his friends were busy. We just went shopping as it was black Friday! It was a an amazing date! We held hands and I was perfectly fine! We went into a couple of shops and brought a few bits and pieces. And then my mum picked us up and we came back to my house. I thought this would be really awkward! But it wasn't at all!!! I was terrified of being alone with him, I wasn't going to go. But I did and it ended up being like the best evenings I've ever had!!! We played a little bit of sims, and attempted to watch a movie but he didn't want to he wanted to mess around. So we did.We didn't do anything we wasn't meant to, obviously! We kinda just play fought a bit and talked. He even had a go at me for not eating my food, as I have stopped eating at the moment (I don't know why, food is just making me feel ill, if you have any information on this please comment!) We was meant to be dropping him home at 8:45 but he refused to leave unless I kissed him. We had not kissed yet so I was scared. He stole my phone a couple of times so I ended up sitting on him, he then made a kissy face towards me. I was like this is a terrible position for 14 year olds to be kissing in!!! So I got up and forgot about it. Then when he just left my room and we was standing outside my bedroom door he did it again and he would move . I kissed him in the end and it was nice. 

I seriously think this was an amazing night. We have been talking all day and I feel that we really bonded last night. Let this be a lesson to all of those teenage girls at there with major crushes! Never say no in the moment and if you do, get your best friend to sort it out for you if you are too scared to do it yourself! That's what I did when he asked me out face to face, I told him I'd think about it and then told my best friend to make a decision for me! They always know best! 

Girls, don't be scared, put yourself out there and tell the boy what you want! You want to hold his hand? Grab it. You want to kiss him? Lean in and do it! Don't be afraid of the unknown!

Do what makes you happy, 
                                 Teenage Dreamer <3

P.s. I brought this book yesterday- Girl Online, By Zoe Sugg (aka 'Zoella') It is an amazing book! I have almost finished it already! 50 pages to go!!! I recommend this book to every teenage girl out there!!!